we're so excited to serve with you!

To get started, download and sign the
Oak Grove Baptist Church Children and Youth Ministry Policy
to access the training to serve with students 18 and below.
- Download and read the Children and Youth Ministry Policy.
- Once complete, print, sign, and email or turn it in to Kelly Moran at Oak Grove Baptist Church.
If you are unable to print and sign, Kelly Moran has copies available in the front office.

Next, request a background check be sent to you.
Any person serving with students under 18 must complete a background check.
- To request a background check, click the button below and complete the email by including your first and last name.
- Once complete, email to Kelly.
If you're unable to email a request to Kelly, call or visit the office to request one in person.

Finally, click the button below to begin watching the Ministry Safe training videos.
The videos will run approximately 1.5 hours.
Once a video finishes, scroll to the next video to continue the training.
All videos are available on the next page and can be paused/resumed to be watched at your own pace.
If you have any questions or videos will not load/play, please reach out to Brandon Baker.
Once a video finishes, scroll to the next video to continue the training.
All videos are available on the next page and can be paused/resumed to be watched at your own pace.
If you have any questions or videos will not load/play, please reach out to Brandon Baker.
Final acceptance of any volunteer or employ application will be reviewed by Oak Grove Baptist Church.
Oak Grove Baptist Church has the right to deny or remove any volunteer at their discretion.
Oak Grove Baptist Church has the right to deny or remove any volunteer at their discretion.
common questions
Can I choose the age group I serve with?
We're very excited to hear you have a heart and desire to serve a specific group of students!
While opportunities may not immediately be available in the age group of your choice, Oak Grove staff will make every effort to allow you to serve with the age group you desire. In some instances, availability to serve in your age group of choice may be full, but as volunteer opportunities become available, let us know if you would like to transition to a different area of ministry.
Also, our events vary each semester, so there may be additional service opportunities at one of the special events during a season.
While opportunities may not immediately be available in the age group of your choice, Oak Grove staff will make every effort to allow you to serve with the age group you desire. In some instances, availability to serve in your age group of choice may be full, but as volunteer opportunities become available, let us know if you would like to transition to a different area of ministry.
Also, our events vary each semester, so there may be additional service opportunities at one of the special events during a season.
While I serve, where will my kids be?
For most occasions requiring volunteers, all age groups are meeting on campus. If you are volunteering in a different building as your child, your child will have Bible study and activities for their age group.
Our staff works hard to make sure activities for varying ages are happening at congruent times on campus. Which means, when you complete your volunteer responsibilities, you are able to pick up your child as normal from their building.
In rare instances, youth or students will have an event outside of normal service hours. If this is an issue with your schedule, let us know beforehand.
Our staff works hard to make sure activities for varying ages are happening at congruent times on campus. Which means, when you complete your volunteer responsibilities, you are able to pick up your child as normal from their building.
In rare instances, youth or students will have an event outside of normal service hours. If this is an issue with your schedule, let us know beforehand.
How do I attend worship if I serve on Sundays?
We offer two identical worship services on Sunday mornings at 9:00am and 10:45am.
If you are serving in the 9:00am service, we would love to worship with you in the 10:45am service.
If you serve at the 10:45am service, we would love to worship with you in the 9:00am service.
While we are incredibly thankful for your servant heart and your willingness to volunteer with our students, it's most important to us that you are growing in the Lord, regularly sit under the teaching of the word, and fellowship in congregational worship.
If you find it difficult to regularly attend worship with us at one of the service times because of your volunteer responsibilities, let us know and we'll make sure your schedule is adjusted!
If you are serving in the 9:00am service, we would love to worship with you in the 10:45am service.
If you serve at the 10:45am service, we would love to worship with you in the 9:00am service.
While we are incredibly thankful for your servant heart and your willingness to volunteer with our students, it's most important to us that you are growing in the Lord, regularly sit under the teaching of the word, and fellowship in congregational worship.
If you find it difficult to regularly attend worship with us at one of the service times because of your volunteer responsibilities, let us know and we'll make sure your schedule is adjusted!
What will my responsibilities be as a volunteer?
The responsibilities vary from volunteer position to volunteer position. Your responsibilities will be determined according to the age group you are serving as well as the activity you are serving at.
Volunteers are a tremendously helpful resource in helping prep classroom activities, monitor the movement of younger age groups around campus, assist in classroom activities, teach activities/lessons, lead activities/lessons, organize games and outdoor fun, serve the children's committee in administration, and many more ways to serve.
We're passionate about the Body of Christ individually serving in each one's gifts and talents. Let us know your giftings and passions and we'll make an effort to see you are able to serve in that way!
Volunteers are a tremendously helpful resource in helping prep classroom activities, monitor the movement of younger age groups around campus, assist in classroom activities, teach activities/lessons, lead activities/lessons, organize games and outdoor fun, serve the children's committee in administration, and many more ways to serve.
We're passionate about the Body of Christ individually serving in each one's gifts and talents. Let us know your giftings and passions and we'll make an effort to see you are able to serve in that way!
Thank you for your interest in serving with Oak Grove Baptist Church!
If you have any additional questions or issues with the training process, please reach out to Brandon Baker, brandon@myoakgrovechurch.com.