James 4:10-17
Honoring God with Our Speech
Below you will find a 4-day Bible Reading Plan and Devotional Guide based on this week’s sermon’s themes.
You will also find a Dinner Table Discussion Guide to keep the conversation going in your family.
Day 1: The Power of Humble Speech
Reading: James 4:10-12
Our words have immense power - to build up or tear down, to bless or to curse. Today's reading reminds us that humble speech doesn't slander others. When we speak against our brothers and sisters, we're not just hurting them, but we're also judging God's law and setting ourselves up as judges. Our job is to be doers of the law, not the law enforcer or the judge. Let's stay in our lane.
Reflect on your speech over the past week. Have your words been seasoned with grace and humility? Or have you fallen into patterns of gossip, criticism, or slander? Remember, our speech should reflect Christ's love and grace. Today, make a conscious effort to speak words of encouragement and blessing to others. Ask God to help you tame your tongue and use it for His glory.
Reflect on your speech over the past week. Have your words been seasoned with grace and humility? Or have you fallen into patterns of gossip, criticism, or slander? Remember, our speech should reflect Christ's love and grace. Today, make a conscious effort to speak words of encouragement and blessing to others. Ask God to help you tame your tongue and use it for His glory.
Day 2: Living with God's Will in Mind
Reading: James 4:13-17
How often do we make plans without considering God's will? Today's passage reminds us of the brevity of life and the importance of acknowledging God in all our ways. We are but a mist, here for a little while and then gone. This sobering reality should shape how we view our future and our plans.
As you go about your day, practice saying "if the Lord wills" when discussing your plans. It may feel a little awkward but it is okay. This isn't just a religious phrase, but a heart attitude that recognizes God's sovereignty over our lives.
Reflect on areas where you might be acting independently of God. Surrender your plans to Him, trusting that His will is perfect and His ways are higher than ours.
As you go about your day, practice saying "if the Lord wills" when discussing your plans. It may feel a little awkward but it is okay. This isn't just a religious phrase, but a heart attitude that recognizes God's sovereignty over our lives.
Reflect on areas where you might be acting independently of God. Surrender your plans to Him, trusting that His will is perfect and His ways are higher than ours.
Day 3: The Beatitudes - Kingdom Living
Reading: Matthew 5:3-12
The Beatitudes present a radical vision of what it means to live in God's kingdom. They turn our worldly values upside down, blessing those who are poor in spirit, who mourn, who are meek and merciful. This is the character that God values and blesses.
Which of these qualities do you find most challenging to embody? Perhaps it's showing mercy to those who have hurt you, or maintaining a pure heart in a world full of temptations. Ask God to cultivate these kingdom qualities in your life. Remember, living out these beatitudes isn't about earning God's favor, but about reflecting His character to a watching world.
Which of these qualities do you find most challenging to embody? Perhaps it's showing mercy to those who have hurt you, or maintaining a pure heart in a world full of temptations. Ask God to cultivate these kingdom qualities in your life. Remember, living out these beatitudes isn't about earning God's favor, but about reflecting His character to a watching world.
Day 4: Loving Your Enemies
Reading: Matthew 5:38-48
Loving our enemies is perhaps one of the most challenging commands Jesus gives us. It goes against our natural instincts for self-preservation and justice. Yet Jesus calls us to a higher standard - to love as God loves, indiscriminately and sacrificially.
Think of someone who has hurt you or wronged you. How can you show love to this person today? It might be through prayer, a kind word, or an act of service. Remember, this love isn't based on feelings, but on a choice to obey Christ and reflect His character. Ask God for the strength and grace to love your enemies, trusting that He will work through your obedience.
Think of someone who has hurt you or wronged you. How can you show love to this person today? It might be through prayer, a kind word, or an act of service. Remember, this love isn't based on feelings, but on a choice to obey Christ and reflect His character. Ask God for the strength and grace to love your enemies, trusting that He will work through your obedience.